
Accelerate the bank’s new potential from the inside out.


In 2020, two like-minded banks found themselves in the midst of a merger. Like a newly married couple celebrating their first holidays together, the two banks found common beliefs manifested differently through cultural norms and long-standing traditions.

Think about how polarizing the holidays can be when the topic of stuffing or dressing comes up. And don’t get me started on whether to open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Well, you get the idea.

The opportunity became the creation of new, shared norms to unify the organization and accelerate growth.


Research shows that companies driven by purpose outperform their competition. Lippincott’s 2019 Brand Aperture Engage study indicates as much as 25% better outcomes. That’s why the brand purpose campaign started with employees first.


Establishing a new North Star paved a path to drive business value. Answering why we exist, what we do and how we do it established common ground and an inspiration for acceleration.

Brand platform presentation

The brand platform is designed for employees to inspire, connect and take action for growth.

Together, the platform states why the bank exists, what it does and how it does so it differently.

Purpose serves as the foundation of the brand platform. The simple, succinct structure is its strength. With a single exposure, employees were able to remember and, more importantly, see themselves in the purpose statement.


Culture is shaped by the values. They establish what is important and set the bar for how to treat others.

Our action is to Own the Moment

In the anchor position – the Action.

While purpose helped to unify the recently merged companies around the customer and the values set a standard of excellence, employees still needed to know what to do.

Own the moment clearly states when and what to do. Listen, understand and deliver bookends the simple, succinct framework of the brand platform.

Work created by // Mindgruve Agency / First Horizon In-house Brand Team

NEXT: Learn how branded water bottles teased purpose as a powerful business driver.


Brand creating differentiation